
Featured templates

Billing questions

Pre-Purchase FAQ

Is free technical support limited in time after purchase is done?
There is no time limit. You can contact our Support Team 24/7.
Why do I need to verify my order ?
验证程序的目的是使我们所有的客户安全购物. 一般的订单确认程序不会超过15分钟. If you have any difficulties with verification, 您可以通过实时聊天或票务系统与我们的开票部门联系.
How long does it take to get the template after the purchase?

It depends on the payment method you choose. 如果您使用信用卡或借记卡订购模板,或通过PayPal或Moneybookers选项即时付款,则需要10-15分钟才能获得模板.


How do you deliver your products?

订单完成后,您将收到一封带有下载说明的电子邮件. Each product is downloaded via a unique download link. We do not ship our products on CD/DVD or other digital carrier.

I have a PO Box. How do I put my billing address?

Just put it into the billing address field on our checkout page.

How do I become a reseller?

You can learn about our affiliate program by visiting this page: 如果您有任何进一步的问题,请随时og体育的附属部门直接在

Where do I enter the discount code?


I need my company data on the invoice. What can I do?

如果您想在发票中包含任何特定信息(如公司名称), VAT number etc), please send your request via e-mail to You will be assisted within 1-2 business days.

Do you accept Visa (MC, AMEX, Diners club)?

We accept all major credit and debit card types. 您可以在网上结帐过程中选择您的卡的类型.

Make sure that your card is allowed for Internet transactions.

Can I pay with credit card?

您可以使用我们的商业系统之一,用您的信用卡/借记卡购买我们的产品:Transact Pro(刷卡支付), Paypal, Googlecheckout etc. 我们的支付网关接受:Visa,万事达卡,发现,美国运通,晚餐,JCB. 我们建议您使用Transact Pro或googlechecout卡支付. Alternatively, you may choose PayPal to pay with your card. 请注意,使用您的卡付款并不需要创建PayPal帐户.

Will I be charged extra if I pay by bank transfer?

如果您通过银行转账付款,本公司不收取额外费用. It may be possible that your bank inflicts additional fees.

Will I be charged for the template only once?

请注意,您的模板付款是一次性收费. No additional fees apply.


It depends on the chosen merchant system. Usually, 您的付款预计到达时间可以反映在您的交易收据从商户系统. Please, 请注意,银行转账不是即时付款的选择,并准备好给大约2-5个银行天的时间来清算转账.

Can I pay via bank transfer?

You can pay for the template via Moneybookers\Skrill merchant system. You may also place an order via eCheck with PayPal 这将允许您使用银行转账来支付您的PayPal帐户. If you need any specific advice, feel free to contact

How do I pay with provides excellent methods for making payments. 您将发现通过此网关进行支付的几个优点,因为您只需要一个电子邮件地址即可获得资格. The payment is processed instantly. You must first register on their website 在几分钟内,您将收到一封电子邮件确认,以验证您将管理您的帐户的电子邮件地址. After that you can pay by either of two methods:

  1. pay with your credit card directly, or
  2. make a transfer through a verified account.
Can I pay by check or over the phone?

Unfortunately, we do have the option to take orders by telephone. We do not accept payment by check directly. 不过,你也可以选择通过PayPal账户的电子支票付款. Additionally, you may upload funds to your (Skrill) account by check. After that you will be able to use this account to make payment.

What is WebMoney?

WebMoney是一个集成的支付选项,使您能够实时转账, 前提是你在E-Gold等账户中有互联网资金, WMZ etc. 当选择这种付款方式时,您将被转到roboexchange.它可以立即转换任何互联网货币以进行支付. 网络货币交易被认为是互联网上最安全的交易之一.


I do not have a phone for verification.
Unfortunately, we cannot process an order without verification. Our company has a firm policy on this.

没有电话,我们就不能打电话给客户确认订单, 所以在这种情况下,客户有义务向我们提供证明订单真实性的文件. A passport or driver’s license copy can be faxed, 或者将文件的扫描件或数码照片文件通过电子邮件发送给我们. 请记住,文件上的敏感数据可能不会被覆盖或模糊, and the name on the document should match the cardholder’s name.

You may send the document copies via:
E-mail: at (please, do not forget to include the order number)
Fax: +1-917-5913014
How do I know if my payment has gone through?
Credit card transactions are shown instantly upon authorization, 付款完成后,您将收到付款确认收据.
What if my credit card does not have a CVV2 code on the back?
没有CVV2代码的信用卡客户可以简单地在我们的订单页面上留下CVV2字段空白. If the card is supposed to have the CVV2 code, then the order will fail, and the buyer will need to contact the issuing bank.
Are my payments absolutely secure via Credit Card?

为了给我们的客户提供不同的支付方式,我们通过几家备受尊敬和非常可靠的公司处理订单:Transact Pro, Google Checkout, PayPal and Moneybookers/Skrill. All of these companies use SSL protected areas. 这意味着你提交的所有数据只有在完全加密后才会被获取和传输(始终检查浏览器中的安全连接图标)。. Warning! 提交您的信用卡信息和账单的详细信息,只安全的形式!

记住:你不应该透露任何不必要的信息. 我们的工作人员永远不会要求您提供完整的信用卡号码或CVV代码. 所有的验证程序都是自动完成的,没有人可以访问您的信用卡详细信息. 如果你认为发生了违反这些条件的事情, please notify us immediately:

Billing Chat:

Submit a Ticket:

Phone: 1-347-342-0463

How will the charge show up on my credit card statement?

Depending on which payment method you choose, 您的订单费用将以不同的方式显示在您的账单上. It may appear as “” or “’. Please, 请务必在商户系统的结帐页面确认您的支付服务名称正确. 欲了解更多信息,请og体育的计费代表:

Billing Chat:

Submit a Ticket:

Phone: 1-347-342-0463

Does the link expire in 24 hours?
下载链接被激活3天,在此期间,您将能够下载您的模板. 如果链接是不活跃的技术原因,在这三天, then please contact the Support Department at at:

Live Chat:
Phone: 1-518-312-4147, 1-347-342-0463 ext 3

We will reactive the links for you!
Do you sell adult website templates?
Please visit to review adult templates.
How do I know the template package file size?
You can contact us directly to get the file size. You can also join our support chat at or submit a help ticket at with the serial numbers of the template you want to know about. 您也可以拨打:1 518 312 4147 begin_of_the_skype_highlight 1 518 312 4147 end_of_the_skype_highlight,我们的接线员将回答您所有的问题. 我们全天候工作,以便您可以在合适的时间与我们联系!

Purchase process

Amex doesn’t process my international payment. What do I do?

请直接与他们联系,并要求他们从他们的端解除对此交易的阻止. 如果您不希望在国际交易中解锁您的卡,您可以通过Paypal商家系统直接使用AMEX支付,而无需创建帐户.

How do I pay with Webmoney?


I paid via Moneybookers and have not received anything. What is the problem?


如果您通过银行转账付款,可能需要几个工作日才能完成订单. 我们将在收到商家系统的转账完成通知后立即将产品发送给您.

如果您使用信用卡付款,并且您的订单状态显示已注册但未付款,并且您确定已从卡中提取款项,请将您的Moneybookers/Skrill帐户的截图发送给我们,显示已完成的转账到 and we will send you the product shortly. Please send the screenshot to


I paid via Googlecheckout and have not received anything. What is the problem?

It may take some time from Googlecheckout to process your card. Usually it takes from several minutes up to 6 hours, it depends on GoogleCheckout and we can’t speed up this process. 他们也可能会拒绝你的信用卡,并要求你提供新的信用卡. In this case they should send you an e-mail with this request.

I paid via PayPal and have not received anything. What is the problem ?

如果您通过paypal发起eCheck交易,可能会发生这种情况. 在这种情况下,订单将需要几个工作日才能完成. The ETA for clearing can be checked in your paypal account.

How do I process my card via PayPal ?

您可以使用该卡购买模板,而无需在PayPal上创建帐户. 要做到这一点,请在结帐页面上选择PayPal选项,然后按*没有PayPal帐户?* on the next page. Than follow the instructions on-line.

PayPal does not approve my transaction. What do I do?

If you still want to place your order via PayPal , 汇款时,您需要知道哪些付款方式是可用的:

When you pay , PayPal要做的第一件事就是检查你的PayPal余额,看看你是否有足够的钱支付这笔费用. If you do, they will use your balance to make the payment. If you don’t have money in your balance, 您可以选择直接从您的银行账户或借记卡或信用卡付款.

To make sure you’re using the payment method you want, click or before you send your payment.

* PayPal Balance * Instant Bank Transfer * eCheck (takes 5 – 7 business days) * Credit or debit card

Payments using PayPal balance, 信用卡或借记卡和即时银行转帐方式将立即记入收件人.

eCheck might take 5 – 7 business days to clear.

如果您继续遇到付款问题,请联系 for further assistance. 您也可以使用PayPal帐户联系区域的联系方式联系PayPal支持.

What is SMS and what do I need to do to complete my order?
短信是手机运营商提供的短信息服务. Moneybookers.Com发送一个验证码到你的手机来验证你的信用卡. Please, make sure your cell phone supports SMS.

注意,如果您在下单后不久没有得到此代码,则您的付款尚未处理. 您可以在Moneybookers的个人资料中更正您的手机号码.com. If you feel there is a further problem you need to contact Support Team directly since we are not involved in credit card authorization.

如果您仍然对这种付款方式有问题,欢迎您通过另一种付款方式使用同一张信用卡. We apologize for any inconvenience.
What is CVV code?
CVV stands for Credit Card Verification Value. CVV是一个3或4位数字的代码压纹或印在签名面板上的背面Visa, 万事达卡和发现卡以及美国运通卡的正面. 此代码用作额外的安全措施,以确保您可以访问和/或实际拥有信用卡本身.
How do I pay with provides excellent methods for making payments. 您将发现通过此网关进行支付的几个优点,因为您只需要一个电子邮件地址即可获得资格. The payment is processed instantly. You must first register on their website 在几分钟内,您将收到一封电子邮件确认,以验证您将管理您的帐户的电子邮件地址. After that you can pay by either of two methods:

  1. pay with your credit card directly, or
  2. make a transfer through a verified account.
What if my credit card does not have a CVV2 code on the back?
没有CVV2代码的信用卡客户可以简单地在我们的订单页面上留下CVV2字段空白. If the card is supposed to have the CVV2 code, then the order will fail, and the buyer will need to contact the issuing bank.
My credit card was declined. What do I need to do?
为了确切地知道购买失败的原因,我们需要您收到确切的错误信息. However, 我们建议您与您的开证行联系,并确认失败与拒绝交易的问题无关. 如果发卡行确认您的账户没有问题,那么请确保您按单一顺序输入信用卡号码的所有数字,没有空格或破折号.

只有当您提供的地址信息与您的银行账单信息完全匹配时,订单才能被处理. Meaning, you cannot abbreviate the words “street” or “avenue”, add hyphens or “#” 在你的地址上加上符号,或者去掉公寓号码,或者改变你的邮政编码等等. from what your financial institution has on its records for you. 你可能需要去银行核实一下你的地址在他们的记录中是如何显示的. There may also be a CVV code error. CVV错误与您有时被要求从信用卡输入的3-4位数字代码相关(通常在您的卡正面右侧的号码后发现), 或在您名片背面签名区的右端).

此外,几乎所有错误消息都可以通过以下步骤解决. Please do the following before trying to place the order again. Delete the cache and cookies from your computer.

To do this in IE:

Open Internet Explorer and click on Tools.
Click on Internet Options.
On the General Tab, in the middle of the screen, click on “Delete” Files.
You may also want to check the box “Delete all offline content”.
You can now click on Delete Cookies and click “OK” to delete cookies that websites have placed on your hard drive.

To do this in Mozilla ( Netscape, FireFox, etc ):

Open your browser and click on Tools.
Click on Options.
Select Privacy.
Click on the buttons to “Clear” your “Cookies” and “Cache”.

完成这些步骤后,请重新启动计算机并再次尝试进行此购买. (Note: 如果您在过去24小时内尝试购买超过3次,请在再次尝试之前等待整整24小时). 如果您在尝试下订单时仍然收到错误消息, please contact our billing representatives for assistance. 请在您的电子邮件中附上您收到的具体错误信息的副本,以便我们能够更好地协助您处理此事.

Billing Chat:
Submit a Ticket: Buying and Item Support
Phone: 1-347-342-0463, 1-518-320-8714
Are my payments absolutely secure via Credit Card?

为了给我们的客户提供不同的支付方式,我们通过几家备受尊敬和非常可靠的公司处理订单:Transact Pro, Google Checkout, PayPal and Moneybookers/Skrill. All of these companies use SSL protected areas. 这意味着你提交的所有数据只有在完全加密后才会被获取和传输(始终检查浏览器中的安全连接图标)。. Warning! 提交您的信用卡信息和账单的详细信息,只安全的形式!

记住:你不应该透露任何不必要的信息. 我们的工作人员永远不会要求您提供完整的信用卡号码或CVV代码. 所有的验证程序都是自动完成的,没有人可以访问您的信用卡详细信息. 如果你认为发生了违反这些条件的事情, please notify us immediately:

Billing Chat:

Submit a Ticket:

Phone: 1-347-342-0463

How will the charge show up on my credit card statement?

Depending on which payment method you choose, 您的订单费用将以不同的方式显示在您的账单上. It may appear as “” or “’. Please, 请务必在商户系统的结帐页面确认您的支付服务名称正确. 欲了解更多信息,请og体育的计费代表:

Billing Chat:

Submit a Ticket:

Phone: 1-347-342-0463

I received no download instructions

Second, please check your email “Bulk/Junk” 文件夹,以查看电子邮件是否已被反垃圾邮件过滤器保留. The delivery e-mail was sent to you from Template Delivery Service “billing@template-delivery”.

Third, you may contact our representatives for assistance at
I misspelled my email while ordering
请与我们的帐单部门联系,并提供正确的电子邮件. 我们将立即将链接发送到您更正后的电子邮件地址!

Billing Chat:
Submit a Ticket:
Phone: 1-347-342-0463, 1-347-342-0463 ext 3
I do not have a phone for verification.
Unfortunately, we cannot process an order without verification. Our company has a firm policy on this.

没有电话,我们就不能打电话给客户确认订单, 所以在这种情况下,客户有义务向我们提供证明订单真实性的文件. A passport or driver’s license copy can be faxed, 或者将文件的扫描件或数码照片文件通过电子邮件发送给我们. 请记住,文件上的敏感数据可能不会被覆盖或模糊, and the name on the document should match the cardholder’s name.

You may send the document copies via:
E-mail: at (please, do not forget to include the order number)
Fax: +1-917-5913014
How do I know if my payment has gone through?
Credit card transactions are shown instantly upon authorization, 付款完成后,您将收到付款确认收据.
Why do I have to undergo anti-fraud verification?
虽然我们绝大多数的客户都是诚实的, there are cases of unauthorized credit card usage. 因此,我们所有的订单都要经过人工反欺诈检查. 这个验证程序的目的是使我们所有的顾客都能安全购物. 通常的订单确认程序将持续不超过15分钟,并涉及电话验证. 因此,每个客户都需要提供一个联系电话号码以进行验证. Also, under some circumstances, 帐单代表有权推迟订单,直到收到进一步的核实.

After-payment questions

You can re-download your template without any additional fees. You should sign in to your account at, navigate to “My Account” -> Downloads and click Restore link button. Alternatively, 您可以通过实时聊天或票务系统og体育的技术支持团队,重新激活您的下载链接.
My link is not active anymore. What do I do?

Please, contact our technical support department. You may contact them via live chat : Or you may submit a trouble-ticket via : to get a prompt reply.

Please, 不要忘记给我们的技术支持代表提供你的订单号, your e-mail address which you used for your purchase, your name and your template number.

I haven’t received my download link. What do I do?


Second, 请检查您的电子邮件“批量/垃圾邮件”文件夹,以查看该电子邮件是否已被您的反垃圾邮件过滤器保留. 该邮件是从模板交付服务“billing@template-delivery”发送给您的.com”.


I need to edit/change my invoice. How do I do this?

Please, submit your request to You should provide us with details for the new invoice. Usually such requests are handled within 24-48 hours.

My card was overcharged. What do I do?

Please contact us at 随着信用卡账单的截图显示额外的费用,我们将在1个工作日内回复您所有的细节

My card got charged twice for the same purchase. What do I do?

Please contact our billing representative via live chat at or via e-mail with your order.

我收到要求寄护照/驾照或信用卡/借记卡的复印件. Is it legal?

虽然该信用卡已被商户系统接受,但我们保留自己进行反欺诈验证的权利. It is clearly stated in our Terms and Conditions. 在所有的网络欺诈活动中,遭受损失的总是供应商.

因此,我们恳请您接受我们的验证程序. 这有助于我们防止网络盗窃的增长,并保持我们产品的独特性. You may cover middle numbers of your card for your security. 您可以覆盖驾驶执照或护照上的安全敏感信息,包括号码和照片(我们只需要在文件上看到您的名字)。 . Sorry for inconveniences.

I do not recognize the charge on my statement. I did not purchase your product. What do I do?


-please, provide your full name as it is on the credit card, 如报表所示的确切金额及交易的确切日期;

-您的信用卡号码,格式如下:4444 XXXX XXXX 5555 (我们只要求您提供信用卡的前4位和后4位数字 card to make it easier to locate the payment. 为了您自身的安全,我们不会要求您提供完整的信用卡号码);

Please, send the requested information to

I’ve been billed incorrectly – what should I do?
毫无例外,我们只向客户收取与购物车中显示的订单金额完全相同的费用. 唯一可能发生的区别是,当您使用美国运通卡付款时,发卡银行会对货币兑换收取双重费用. 我们会调查任何你认为被多收钱的案子. Please, submit your inquiry to our billing representatives:

Billing Chat:
Submit a Ticket:
Phone: 1-347-342-0463 ext 3.
I have purchased the wrong template. Can I exchange it?
根据我们的使用条款和退款政策,由于我们提供的产品的特定性质,我们保持不退款和不换货政策. 从技术上讲,不可能出现交付“错误模板”的情况. 在进入结帐页面之前,客户预览购物车中的模板, to make sure that the template item is the one that was chosen. No other template can possibly be delivered.
I paid with but have not received my product
Apparently your order status is pending. Your payment may have been delayed for one of several reasons. 首先,您需要确保您已经向您的在线Moneybookers发送了足够的钱.com account to cover the amount of the order. Your account balance may be seen on login at 如果您的银行转账没有更新到您的MoneyBookers账户余额,也可能发生延迟. 如果这不能解决问题,您应该联系Money Bookers, 请准备好提供以下信息和文件:

the date you initiated the transfer;
the amount you sent;
which bank you deposited the funds to;
a copy of your bank statement showing this transfer.

Please send this documentation and information via email to 他们会在第一时间给你反馈意见. 请记住,我们不直接参与Moneybookers的授权或转账.com and for these questions you must contact
I received no download instructions

Second, please check your email “Bulk/Junk” 文件夹,以查看电子邮件是否已被反垃圾邮件过滤器保留. The delivery e-mail was sent to you from Template Delivery Service “billing@template-delivery”.

Third, you may contact our representatives for assistance at
I misspelled my email while ordering
请与我们的帐单部门联系,并提供正确的电子邮件. 我们将立即将链接发送到您更正后的电子邮件地址!

Billing Chat:
Submit a Ticket:
Phone: 1-347-342-0463, 1-347-342-0463 ext 3
“Link is inactive” message
Q: I get the message “link is inactive” when I click on this link.

A: 请og体育的友好支持团队,并提供您的购买信息(以下之一:您的电子邮件地址, transaction ID, merchant system order number, or name of the cardholder):

Live Chat:
Phone: 1-518-312-4147, 1-347-342-0463 ext 3

We will reactivate your link immediately.
Lost files – how can I redownload?
Q: My computer has crashed and I have lost my templates! Is there any way I can re-download?

A: 请og体育的友好支持团队,并提供您的购买信息(以下之一:您的电子邮件地址, transaction ID, merchant system order number, or name of the cardholder):

Live Chat:
Phone: 1-518-312-4147, 1-518-320-8715
The link goes nowhere
请确保您没有防火墙限制,禁止此下载. Try to use this link on another computer. 如果它仍然不工作,请og体育的支持获得另一个链接.
Does the link expire in 24 hours?
下载链接被激活3天,在此期间,您将能够下载您的模板. 如果链接是不活跃的技术原因,在这三天, then please contact the Support Department at at:

Live Chat:
Phone: 1-518-312-4147, 1-347-342-0463 ext 3

We will reactive the links for you!
How do I know if my payment has gone through?
Credit card transactions are shown instantly upon authorization, 付款完成后,您将收到付款确认收据.